
From Unified Video Game Magazine Index
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🔲 This page or section needs the bare minimum added: 🔲
  • a table for each section of the table of contents, containing {{transcribe}} placeholders for all article/game titles & page numbers.

Details: you can leave a note here

Put {{start}} at the top of a page or section that doesn't yet meet the bare minimum, e.g.:

  • when you create a page and don't want to make all the tables & little placeholders yet
  • when you transcribe a ton of non-English text and don't want to create translation placeholders yet (leave a note in this case)

All pages with this are can be found in Category:Needs the bare minimum added

Basic usage:

  • {{start}}

Advanced usage:

  • {{start|you can leave a note here|nocat=true}}

(nocat lets you put this on a page without adding it to Category:Needs the bare minimum added)